Freedom to Read Week

Freedom to Read banner image with heads reading books

Freedom to Read Week is an annual event that encourages Canadians to think about and reaffirm their commitment to intellectual freedom.

Despite having strong traditions of free expression and free inquiry, Canada also has a long-standing tradition of censorship. Historically, books and magazines have often been quietly removed from libraries and classrooms. Freedom to Read Week was founded in 1984 to challenge the covert nature of censorship, creating a broader awareness of these ongoing challenges to Canadian writing. It also encourages Canadians to actively defend their right to publish, read and write freely and to widen their understanding of the negative effects of censorship, not just on readers but on writers and publishers as well.

Over the years, Freedom to Read Week has become a regular feature of the annual programming of schools, libraries and literary groups across Canada. From student video contests to large public readings of challenged materials, participants have found creative and inspiring ways to show how important freedom of expression is to them.

Intellectual Freedom protects your right to read, listen, write and speak your beliefs and opinions – and everyone has the right to have an opinion or hear an opinion on any topic.

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is the guarantor of the fundamental freedoms in Canada of conscience and religion; of thought, belief, opinion, and expression; of peaceful assembly; and of association.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights defines the universal principles of intellectual freedom as the interlocking freedoms to hold opinions and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers

Exercise your Freedom to Read:

The titles in these book lists have, at one point in time, drawn complaints or have been requested to be pulled out of public libraries for “objectionable” content. To celebrate Freedom to Read Week we challenge you to check out one of these titles and give them a go!

Want to read more about intellectual freedom in Canada?

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