Elgin County Kicks off Pride Week with Raising of Pride Flag
August 9, 2022
For Immediate Release
Central Elgin, ON – On Tuesday, August 9th, Elgin County Warden, Mary French, proclaimed August 8th to August 14th, 2022, as Pride Week within the County of Elgin. To celebrate the occasion, Warden French raised the Pride flag at the County’s Administration Building with staff members, dignitaries, and community members in attendance.
The County of Elgin recognizes that supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, two-spirited, Queer, and all other sexual orientation and gender identities as full and equal members of our community is a vital and integral part of strengthening our Municipality. This flag-raising event was intended to show the County’s support for the Rainbow Community and to demonstrate the community’s commitment to providing safe and welcoming places for all members.
“I would like to encourage all citizens to take pride in our diversity and celebrate our differences to help make our community a place that we can all be proud to call home,” said Warden Mary French. “As ambassadors and leaders, the County of Elgin strives for equality for all in Ontario, Canada, and even more broadly, the world.”
For more Pride events happening this week in Elgin County, please visit the Rainbow Optimist Club Southwestern Ontario’s website: https://www.rainbowoptimistclub.com/2022events.
For additional information, please contact:
Warden Mary French
Pictured below on the left is Warden Mary French with Martin Withenshaw from the Rainbow Optimist Club raising the Pride Flag
Pictured below on the right are County Councillors & staff members who attended the flag raising.