Council Highlights - June 25, 2024

Streamlining Operations: Council Approves Updates to Appointment By-Laws

County Council has approved the updated Appointment By-Laws, ensuring they reflect current staffing changes and back-up practices. The updates were recommended by the Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk and include revisions to the Deputy Clerk and Deputy Clerk Alternate Appointment By-Law, the Land Division Secretary Alternate Appointment By-Law, and the By-Law delegating certain authorities under the Planning Act.

The changes address the recent recruitment of a Director of Planning and Development, rendering the Manager of Planning role vacant. Consequently, authorities previously delegated to the Manager of Planning will now be assigned to the Director of Planning and Development, with the Director of Legal Services as the alternate. Additionally, the Director of Planning and Development and the Clerk/Clerk Designate will now serve as Alternate Land Division Secretaries. These updates ensure that the by-laws align with current staffing and operational practices.

Building a Resilient Elgin: Latest Updates on the County’s Corporate Asset Management Plan

The Director of Engineering Services presented an informative report to Council on the County’s progress in developing a Corporate Asset Management Plan (CAMP). This plan is crucial for maintaining and managing Elgin County’s extensive infrastructure, which includes roads, bridges, and water and sewage systems, all essential for economic development, citizen safety, and quality of life.

In compliance with Ontario Regulation 588/17, which standardizes municipal asset management, the County has completed several milestones:

  • July 1, 2019: Completed a strategic asset management policy.
  • July 1, 2022: Finalized the asset management plan for core assets.
  • July 1, 2024: Prepared an asset management plan for all municipal infrastructure, incorporating Information Technology and Cultural Services assets.

Phase 2 of the CAMP, now completed, includes these additional non-core assets:

  • Information Technology: 441 desktop/laptop computers, 191 cell phones/tablets, 27 storage/backup servers, with a replacement value of $3.1 million.
  • Cultural Services: 10 libraries and 210,264 books/physical items, with a replacement value of $2.88 million.

The CAMP aims to balance levels of service, risk, and cost-effectiveness throughout the asset lifecycle, supporting the long-term sustainability of county services. Future budget developments will be informed by the CAMP, aiding Council in making vital investment decisions.

The final phase (Phase 3) will focus on developing levels of service metrics and a financial strategy to be completed by July 2025 with the help of an external consultant. This phase will ensure the County’s infrastructure is managed effectively to meet determined service levels.

Port Stanley from Water

Balancing Costs: Elgin County Approves 2024 Fees and Charges By-Law

County Council has approved the updated Fees and Charges By-Law, as recommended by the Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk. Effective June 25, 2024, the changes will be implemented to ensure cost recovery for materials, activities, and services provided by the County.

Key updates include increased replacement costs for lost and damaged Yoto Players, adjustments to Land Division application fees, and revised charges for Homes and Senior Services. Notably, guest room accommodation rates, Meals on Wheels pricing, and visitor meal costs have been adjusted to reflect current expenses. These updates align with the County’s commitment to maintaining financial responsibility and ensuring that fees accurately reflect the costs of services provided.

Community Safety: Dutton Dunwich Advocates for Safe Pedestrian Access

County Council received a correspondence request forwarded by the Municipality of Dutton Dunwich from the Dunwich Dutton School Parent Council. The request highlights concerns regarding pedestrian safety due to an upcoming construction site and the planned opening of a McDonald’s near the school by the 2024/2025 academic year. The Parent Council emphasized the urgent need for a sidewalk to ensure safe pedestrian access, especially for students walking uptown for lunch and community members utilizing mobility aids.

In response, the Municipality of Dutton Dunwich has assured that it has considered sidewalks along County Roads (Currie Road and Pioneer Line west of Currie Road) towards the development. Elgin County and Dutton Dunwich staff will collaborate to investigate potential solutions and the feasibility of constructing a sidewalk in the area. They will report their findings back to County Council at an upcoming meeting.

For the complete June 25, 2024 Agenda Package, please visit the following link: County Council Agenda Package

Elgin County office closure on Monday, August 5th, for Civic Holiday.
Notice of Canada Day Office Closure
Victoria Day Closure 2024
Easter Holiday Closure Notice
Family Day Closure Notice
Graphic to indicate holiday closures at Elgin County Facilities. The Elgin County Administration Building, Provincial Offences Administration Building, and Elgin County Heritage Centre will be closed on Friday, December 23rd at noon. Regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024.