For Immediate Release - Terrace Lodge Confirmed COVID-19 Resident Death (January 11, 2022)

For Immediate Release

[Elgin County, Ontario] – This afternoon, the County of Elgin received notification that an outbreak at Terrace Lodge Long-Term Care Home (LTCH) has been linked to the death of one resident. The death is the first in Elgin County’s LTCHs connected to COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic. “Our condolences go out to this resident’s loved ones and to the residents and staff at Terrace Lodge during this very difficult time,” said Warden Mary French.

Elgin County has confirmed COVID-19 outbreaks at Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge Long-Term Care Homes. All impacted residents and staff members are in isolation. According to Warden French, “pressure is building in all aspects of our community’s response to COVID-19, especially in long-term care. While we know it’s not possible to stop the spread, County staff are taking every action possible to slow it. I am extremely proud of the efforts put forth by our staff to support our residents and each other during these challenging times. They deserve our thanks
and admiration.”

As of late this afternoon, after consultation with Public Health, the following is the current outbreak status across the three (3) LTCHs:

• Terrace Lodge remains in confirmed outbreak with eight (8) active positive resident cases and three (3) positive staff members.
• Elgin Manor remains in confirmed outbreak with four (4) positive staff members. All previously reported residents who were impacted by COVID-19 have recovered.
• As of today, Bobier Villa is no longer in suspect outbreak status.

Any resident or employee that shows even the slightest evidence of a health change are immediately screened for COVID-19. Residents in all three (3) of Elgin County’s Long-Term Care Homes are being closely monitored by our medical team. County staff continue to work closely with Southwestern Public Health on outbreak management and to identify close contacts of the residents and staff members. Residents, staff and community members who are determined to be at risk are being contacted to prevent further spread of illness in the Long-Term Care Home
or in the community.

Elgin County is working closely with Public Health, with our Medical Directors and Infection Prevention and Control specialists and are following their directives. The County has implemented a number of additional safeguards to lessen the potential transfer of COVID-19. County staff continue to implement all required and recommended infection prevention and control measures to decrease the risk of spreading the virus within our Homes.


Media Contact: Warden Mary French | | 519-631-1460 x. 105

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Graphic to indicate holiday closures at Elgin County Facilities. The Elgin County Administration Building, Provincial Offences Administration Building, and Elgin County Heritage Centre will be closed on Friday, December 23rd at noon. Regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024.