For Immediate Release - Suspect Outbreak at Terrace Lodge
For Immediate Release
November 21, 2021
[Elgin County, Ontario] – Elgin County was notified this morning of a positive staff member at Terrace Lodge, impacting one (1) resident home area. Pursuant to Ministry of Long-Term Care Home (LTCH) Guidelines, this single positive COVID-19 case places Terrace Lodge into “suspect outbreak”.
County staff are working closely with Southwestern Public Health on outbreak management and practices. Residents, staff and community members who are determined to be at risk are being contacted to prevent further spread of illness in the Home or in the community.
Elgin’s LTCH staff have, since the onset of the pandemic, taken steps to assess and improve preparedness for responding to COVID-19. Our team continues to take all necessary steps to decrease the risk of spreading the virus and remain dedicated to the health and safety of our residents. Additional safeguards to lessen the potential transfer of COVID-19 have been put in place.
County staff have responded quickly and in accordance with direction from Southwestern Public Health to limit further transmission of the virus. At this time, staff are making every effort to contact families of Terrace Lodge residents to update them of the suspect outbreak.
At this time, Bobier Villa and Elgin Manor LTCHs do not have any positive cases among residents or staff.
Regular updates will be provided to residents, families and caregivers.