June 22, 2021 - Council Highlights

Council Approves 2020 Annual Report and Receives Audited Financial Statements

Council approved the 2020 Annual Report in its new virtual format. This report communicates the state of the Corporation to residents of Elgin County in a manner that is both transparent and accessible to the general public. The report includes financial breakdowns, performance measures, and accomplishments in 2020.

The report allows for the Financial Information Return (FIR), a document mandated by the Province, to be presented in a format that is easy to understand.

The new web-based format allows users to click through to additional information on a variety of topics should they choose.

Auditors were also present at the meeting to present the results of the 2020 Audit.

Council Approves Amendment to Town of Aylmer Official Plan

Council approved Official Plan Amendment No. 20 (5-year review) to the Town of Aylmer Official Plan.

The purpose of the Amendment was to implement recommendations of the 5-year review of the Aylmer Official Plan as required by Section 26 of the Planning Act. Proposed modifications are minor in nature and are detailed in the June 22, 2021 County Council Agenda package.

In accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, Elgin County Council is the Approval Authority for changes to Local Municipal Partner Official Plans.

Transportation Master Plan Update

Elgin in Motion Transportation Master Plan LogoThe County of Elgin is currently undertaking a Transportation Master Plan.  This Plan will be designed to look at “the big picture”, identifying challenges, alternatives, steps and actions to take the County of Elgin from where it is today, to the multi-modal transportation network and landscape envisioned for the future.

The Plan will span 30 years and will focus on the development of an integrated vehicular transportation network, the enhancement of active transportation amenities (cycling), and will explore transit options for Elgin’s communities.

Feedback is being collected through a dedicated engagement site that is currently hosting a virtual Public Information Centre from June 23-July14, 2021. A public opinion survey is also open for participation.

Interested parties can visit www.engageelgin.ca/transportationmasterplan for more details and to register to participate.

Council Approves Four-Way Stop at Putnam Road and Avon Drive in the Village of Avon

At the request of Malahide Township, Council directed staff to investigate traffic calming measures at the intersection of Avon Drive and Putnam Road in the Village of Avon. Residents in the Village were concerned about aggressive driving behaviours in the areas. A traffic study was conducted and based on the results of this study, staff were directed to proceed with a four-way stop to be installed at the intersection of Avon Drive (CR 37) and Putnam Road (CR 47). The Ontario Provincial Police will be notified of the traffic study’s findings so that they may deploy targeted enforcement as their resources permit.

Findings of the traffic study are contained within the June 22, 2021 County Council Agenda package.

Council Supports Call for National Three-Digit Suicide Hotline

At the request of Elgin-Middlesex-London Member of Parliament Karen Vecchio, Council passed the following resolution in support of a national three (3) digit suicide hotline:

WHEREAS the Federal government has passed a motion to adopt 988, a National three-digit suicide and crisis hotline;

AND WHEREAS the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has increased the demand for suicide prevention services by 200 per cent;

AND WHEREAS existing suicide prevention hotlines require the user to remember a 10-digit number and go through directories or be placed on hold;

AND WHEREAS in 2O22 the United States will have in place a national 988 crisis hotline;

AND WHEREAS the County of Elgin recognizes that it is a significant and important initiative to ensure critical barriers are removed to those in a crisis and seeking help;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the County of Elgin endorses this 988 crisis line initiative; and

THAT staff be directed to send a letter indicating such support to the local MP, MPP, Federal Minister of Health, the CRTC and local area municipalities to indicate our support.


The complete June 22, 2021 County Council Agenda package can be found here.

Elgin County office closure on Monday, August 5th, for Civic Holiday.
Notice of Canada Day Office Closure
Victoria Day Closure 2024
Easter Holiday Closure Notice
Family Day Closure Notice
Graphic to indicate holiday closures at Elgin County Facilities. The Elgin County Administration Building, Provincial Offences Administration Building, and Elgin County Heritage Centre will be closed on Friday, December 23rd at noon. Regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024.