Using the Archives
All records in the Elgin County Archives can be used to study local history in some respect.
The Archives is therefore a resource for a wide array of local history projects, whether this be to assist in the production of historical publications, as a source to teach local school children about the area’s history or to commemorate an event or anniversary. Other possible areas of research include:
Municipal Decision Making
Many of the records in the archives are public records, documenting the actions of local governments on a variety of matters such as planning, taxation, public expenditures, road maintenance, social welfare, seniors’ care and libraries. The Archives therefore serves the community by promoting accountability in local decision-making;
Records such as tax assessment rolls, voters lists and directories are critical sources for researching your family tree;
Researching Your House or Property
Tax Assessment Rolls can be used to determine when a building was added to a property or altered in any significant way. Directories can help determine the location of a business during a given year. Photographs can illuminate questions about architectural style;
Environmental Site Assessments
Fire Insurance plans can be used to determine building uses over time. For instance, was there a chemical factory on that site several years ago? Tax assessment rolls can be used in a similar fashion.
A Library and Archives Canada guide entitled Using Archives: A Practical Guide for Researchers does an excellent job in explaining archival principles and how to effectively use an archives for your research.
For information about services offered by the Archives and associated costs, please consult our schedule of fees.