Central Elgin, ON – The County of Elgin raised a black flag in front of the Elgin County Heritage Centre to observe the National Day of Mourning. April 28th is a day to honor workers who have lost their lives, been injured, or suffered illnesses due to workplace incidents or exposures. According to the Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada, 993 workplace fatalities were recorded in Canada in 2022, with many more workers suffering life-altering injuries and illnesses.

At today’s ceremony, Warden Ed Ketchabaw spoke to County staff, emphasizing the importance of remembering those affected by workplace tragedies. “Each year, we remember and honour those whose lives have been lost or impacted due to workplace tragedies. This day serves as an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to ensuring that workplaces across Elgin County are safe environments to earn a living.”

Workplace tragedies are preventable, and it is the duty of governments and employers to implement strict health and safety protocols that protect workers. With every workplace tragedy, many lives are changed forever. The County of Elgin is committed to raising awareness about workplace safety in its own facilities and throughout the community. In honor of the National Day of Mourning, the County has raised the black flag at the Elgin County Heritage Centre as a reminder to advocate for the protection of workers in our organizations and communities.

For more information and resources related to the National Day of Mourning, visit the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety at https://www.ccohs.ca/events/mourning.

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For additional information, please contact:

Warden Ed Ketchabaw
519-631-1460 ext. 110