Centennial / Elm Intersection Improvements
Project Description
The County of Elgin is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, preliminary engineering, detailed design, contract administration and inspection to improve the operation of the County’s Centennial Road / Avenue (CR28) and Elm Line / Street intersection (CR56), located within the Municipality of Central Elgin at the easterly boundary limits with the City of St. Thomas. This project is being carried out under the planning and design process for a Schedule ‘B’ project as outlined in the Municipal Engineers Association’s Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011 and 2015).
Based on a series of previous traffic impact studies commissioned in support of various ongoing subdivision developments, it’s expected that the full build-out of subdivision development, coupled with background traffic growth, will soon increase traffic to an unacceptable Level of Service.
The County of Elgin has retained BT Engineering Inc., to undertake the Centennial Road / Elm Line Intersection Improvement EA that will:
- Assess / confirm the need and justification for intersection improvements
- Identify and evaluate a range of alternative solutions to accommodate growing traffic volumes, including intersection control improvements which accommodates all modes of transportation leading to an improved intersection Level Of Service; including but not limited to having consideration for a roundabout
- Review and develop a design to accommodate the preferred alternative that mitigates future deficiencies, accommodates increased traffic demand, and improves safety.
Public Input is welcome throughout the study. One Public Information Centre will be held in 2020 to present the preferred alternative. To provide comments, receive additional information or be added to the study mailing list, contact a team member.
Notices & Reports
Notice of Study Commencement
Study Design
Notice of Online Public Information Centre
Project Contacts
Steve Taylor, P.Eng.
E-mail: stevenj.taylor@bteng.ca
Phone: (519) 672-2222
Brian Lima, P.Eng.
E-mail: blima@elgin.ca
Phone: (519) 631-1460 ext. 117