Division of the District

The years 1846 to 1852 were critical in the division of the London District (and later the County of Middlesex). It was during this time that leading businessmen and landowners took to advocating for division from the London District, and to have their own government to represent the needs of the townships of Yarmouth, Malahide, Southwold, Bayham, Dorchester, Dunwich and Aldborough.

The 1846 financial statement drafted by “Erie”, aimed to help taxpayers realize how they would gain if divided from the larger District. It was recognized that a Courthouse and Gaol would have to be built, and figures were shown to reflect that. Figures were also included to demonstrate the responsible plan to pay off the debt within six years, all the while improving bridges and roads in the New District.

Division of the District 1846, C13 Sh2 B2

The 1846 document specifically targets those in Southwold and Port Stanley to review and “think and judge” for themselves.

Additional documents from the time period are explanatory to the opinion of those leading the charge for separation. An 1851 document from Randolph Johnson, Reeve of Yarmouth township, further emphasizes the necessity of the Legislative Assembly to adhere to the original agreed upon boundaries of the county division.

Mr. Johnson proclaimed that

"Your Petitioners, representing the Township of Yarmouth, containing a population of about six thousand inhabitants, while expressing their approval of the principle of the Territorial Division Bill, most humbly and earnestly solicit Your Honourable House to adhere to the dividing line of the County of Middlesex, as entered in the said Bill, as the only line that will give justice to the County and general satisfaction to the People.

"Your Petitioners resepectfully represent that the Freeholders and Householders of the Talbot settlement, or Southern Division of Middlesex have been agitating openly and publicly for many years, to form a new county from the south division of Middlesex."

Financial figures were also submitted in response to the Territorial Division Bill to justify the request to the Honourable House of the Legislative Assembly to maintain the north and south division to create the new county, and not east and west.