Delivering Results

Provincial Offences Administration

Elgin County delivers Provincial Offences Act (POA) administration and prosecution on behalf of St. Thomas and Elgin’s member municipalities. We provide administration for all provincial offences and prosecution services regarding Part I and Part II Provincial Offences Act charges. These charges include tickets issued pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act, Liquor Licence Act, parking tickets and similar provincial statutes.   All fine revenue is passed along to our municipal partners net of costs and a 10% administrative fee.  The impacts of COVID resulted in fewer charges being laid in 2020 but matters scheduled for POA court grew as in 2020 in-person court hearings were postponed.  Audio trials commenced in July and video trials will being in 2021 as we begin to work through the back-log. 

Provincial Offences Administration Building Exterior


Making prudent investments in critical infrastructure is a key priority of County Council.  The County is further developing and actively implementing its Asset Management Plan to extend the lifecycle of critical infrastructure and enhance the quality of its facilities and to ensure that they can be safely accessed by the public. Elgin is continuously improving the safety of its roads and bridges notably with the construction of a new bridge in Port Bruce Bridge (completed in 2020) and the rehabilitation of the historic King George the VI Lift Bridge in Port Stanley (to be completed in 2021).

Port Stanley Lift Bridge

Economic Development

Through the Elgincentives Community Improvement Plan, Elgin County Economic Development offers grants to eligible business owners and tenants of lands and buildings in key sectors and areas of economic activity in order to:

  • Stimulate economic growth and diversification.
  • Enhance the quality of place for residents and visitors; and,
  • Improve the stability and sustainability of the tax base. 
Additionally, Elgin County Economic Development provides $55,000 annually in funding to the St. Thomas Elgin Small Business Enterprise Centre. 
Business Meeting

*This value does not include an ask for the TIEG Grant.

**This value includes one (1) TIEG grant work of $683,481.

The Tax Increment Equivalent Grant (TIEG) is utilized for major projects and Brownfield developments, and is intended to stimulate major investment by deferring part of the increase in property taxation as a result of a redevelopment or rehabilitation project.

Elgin County office closure on Monday, August 5th, for Civic Holiday.
Notice of Canada Day Office Closure
Victoria Day Closure 2024
Easter Holiday Closure Notice
Family Day Closure Notice
Graphic to indicate holiday closures at Elgin County Facilities. The Elgin County Administration Building, Provincial Offences Administration Building, and Elgin County Heritage Centre will be closed on Friday, December 23rd at noon. Regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024.