
bookmobile 1958
bookmobile 1963
bookmobile wallacetown 1955
bookmobile 1966



bookmobile 1949


The first "bookmobile" was purchased in 1949 for $3,700.00.

The second "bookmobile was purchased in 1958 for $11,800.00. It was a much bigger "International" vehicle.

The "bookmobiles" covered 65,150 miles providing service to Elgin County Residents at their schools and service centres.

The "bookmobiles" were driven strictly by women and were a welcome sight to the school children and the adults as well.

The last "bookmobile" was phased out of service in 1972 and sold to a dealership in St. Thomas for $1,762.00.

The bookmobile was no longer required as most schools and centres had their own libraries for their patrons.