Boards and Committees
Elgin County Boards and Committees of Council
Committees of Council are specialized groups appointed by Elgin County Council to address specific issues or tasks. These Committees typically consist of members of Elgin County Council and appointed members of the public who bring diverse perspectives and expertise to the table. They play a crucial role in the decision-making process by thoroughly examining proposed policies, conducting research, and making recommendations to Council as a whole.
Corporation of the County of Elgin Committee By-Law
Agendas and Minutes for Past and Future Board and Committee Meetings are available on the Council and Committees Agendas and Minutes Page.
Recordings of Committee meetings are also available on our YouTube channel.
The Finance Committee is a Standing Committee of Council that advises and makes recommendations to Council regarding financial strategy and policy direction as well as the fulfillment of Council’s oversight responsibilities relative to County financial reporting, external audit requirements, asset management, internal controls and compliance with financial regulations and polices.
Committee Members
Council Appointees
Warden Ketchabaw
Councillor Sloan
Councillor Jones
Councillor Hentz
Councillor Noble
Councillor Giguère
Councillor Couckuyt
Councillor Leatham
Councillor Widner
Elgin County Finance Committee Terms of Reference
Learn more about our most recent budget (external link) and have your say!
The purpose of this Committee is to examine issues, challenges and opportunities resulting from the Province’s strategic investments in the region.
- Develop a strategy for managing growth throughout the County, which includes managing the challenges and leveraging the benefits associated with that growth.
- Identify key infrastructure needs in the region to facilitate growth.
- Work to ensure that the County, the Local Municipal Partners, the City of St. Thomas as well as the Provincial and Federal governments work collectively for the benefit of the region and all its residents and businesses.
- Promote a holistic view to the planning and coordination of growth throughout the County.
- Demonstrate County Council’s commitment to responsible and sustainable growth that considers financial and environmental factors.
- Work to ensure that investment in growth is proportional to the benefit derived from growth and, conversely, that those who benefit from growth proportionally invest.
Committee Members
Council Appointees
Warden Ketchabaw
Deputy Warden Jones
Councillor Noble
Councillor Giguère
Growth Planning and Steering Committee Terms of Reference (PDF)
Ontario’s Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 requires that the Council of a municipality establishing and maintaining municipal homes must appoint a Committee of Management to oversee the management of the Homes.
The role of the Committee of Management is to provide governance oversight of the management of the three County of Elgin long-term care homes. The Committee of Management is broadly responsible for ensuring that the Home(s):
- Complies with applicable legislation
- Meets the requirements of the funding from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- Maintains appropriate service standards for the residents
- Provides oversight of finance, audits and general operations
Committee Members
Council Appointees
Council as a whole serve as the Homes Committee of Management
Homes Committee of Management Terms of Reference
The Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee is a subcommittee of the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Steering Committee. The purpose of the Fundraising Committee is to plan, coordinate, implement and evaluate fund development activities in support of the operational and “value added” revenue generation in support of the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Project.
Committee Members
Council Appointees
Warden Ketchabaw
Deputy Warden Jones
Councillor Sloan
Councillor Widner
Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference
The County of Elgin and the Municipality of Central Elgin have formed a Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee (JAAC). Accessibility Advisory Committee’s are only required for municipalities with a population of 10,000 or more. The JAAC meets approximately five times per year and the majority of the committee is represented by people with disabilities.
The JAAC provides advice to County Council and its Local Municipal Partners on the identification, elimination, and prevention of barriers faced by people with disabilities, and liaises with the community to improve accessibility and inclusivity throughout Elgin County. The Committee also provides advice to County Council on the various legislative requirements and implementation of the accessibility standards, to ensure full compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA).
Committee Members
Council Appointees
Councillor Noble, Deputy Mayor of Central Elgin
Councillor Dave Baughman, Central Elgin
Community Appointees
Jenn Salverda
Tom Marks
Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee Terms of Reference (PDF)
Learn more about accessibility at Elgin County
The purpose of the Rural Initiatives & Planning Advisory Committee is to promote the viability of agriculture and rural affairs in the County and throughout the Province and to examine issues such as, but not limited to: the challenges of the global economy on local agricultural practices; the viability of schools in rural communities; and, alternative sources of economic development in rural areas. The Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee is also responsible for administering the Community Grant Program.
Committee Members
Council Appointees
Warden Ketchabaw
Councillor Widner
Councillor Jones
Conncillor Leatham
Community Appointees
Donna Lunn
Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee Terms of Reference (PDF)
The Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee is a subcommittee of the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Steering Committee. The purpose of the Fundraising Committee is to plan, coordinate, implement and evaluate fund development activities in support of the operational and “value added” revenue generation in support of the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Project.
Committee Members
Council Appointees
Councillor Giguère
Community Appointees
Sarah Leitch, Councillor – Township of Malahide
Amarilis Drouillard, Councillor – Municipality of Dutton Dunwich
Jamie Chapman, Community Member
Wendy Carmichael, Community Member
Jim Jenkins, Community Member
Kathryn Desrosiers, Councillor – Town of Aylmer
Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee Terms of Reference (PDF)
Committee Members
Warden Ketchabaw
Councillor Widner
Councillor Noble
Councillor Couckuyt
Project Summary Presentation (PDF)
Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Steering Committee Terms of Reference