The following list provides a high-level overview of the items discussed:

✅ Elgin Clean Water Program: A Decade of Progress and Impact
The Elgin Clean Water Association presented its 2024 Annual Report for the Elgin Clean Water Program, which offers technical expertise and financial incentives for landowners to implement environmental projects like livestock management and wetland protection.

Since its inception in 2012, 340 projects have been completed in Elgin County, totaling over $3,925,000 in costs, with the program contributing $933,645 in grants.

✅STEGH CEO Highlights Urgent Need for a New Hospital to Meet Growing Demands
Karen Davies, the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital (STEGH), delivered an update to County Councillors regarding the hospital’s current state.

She emphasized the urgent need for a new hospital to tackle various issues, including aging infrastructure, community growth, increasing care complexities, limited space for expansion at the current location, insufficient patient accommodations, and parking shortages. This update aimed to keep the County informed and aware of the hospital’s needs and challenges.

✅ King Bridge in the Township of Malahide to be Replaced in 2025
King Bridge, located on Ron McNeil Line west of Imperial Road, is a 14 m-long concrete bridge that is nearing the end of its useful life and requires replacement.

County Council directed Elgin’s Engineering Department to award the contract to Gary D. Robinson Contracting for the completion of the King Bridge Replacement Project, at a total price of $1,578,446.

✅ Relocation of the Aylmer Library Branch to the East Elgin Community Complex
The Aylmer Library continues to be a vital community hub, accounting for 36% of Elgin County Library’s total circulation and serving 32% of the population (2024 statistics). Program attendance is strong, but space limitations are impacting its growth.

To address this, a potential relocation to the East Elgin Community Complex is being explored with the Town of Aylmer. This move would help meet the library’s expanding space needs, enhance programming, and leverage additional community and Municipal partnerships and investments.

For all items discussed and the full agenda, please click here.

Next Council Meeting:
Date: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025
Time: 9:00 a.m.